Our Name and Logo
After a decade of ministry to the unreached peoples of Papua New Guinea, Finisterre Vision is excited to re-introduce ourselves as FinisTerre, along with a new website and new logo! Our mission essentials have not changed—we are still eagerly partnering with local churches to send their missionaries to the ends of the earth. By re-evaluating our principles and methods of ministry, the foundation of who we are as an organization has only been strengthened.
FinisTerre’s Name
As far as communicating who we are, we believe FinisTerre says enough on its own. Finis-Terre is Latin for “end of the earth” and that is our goal: to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached people groups at the end of the earth—specifically, in Papua New Guinea.
FinisTerre’s Logo
If we had to sum up who we are and what we aim to do in a picture, this is it. Like coordinates on a globe, two lines meet at a circled destination, thus signifying the journey of the mission to the ends of the earth. The broken circle and empty space in the upper left corner of the globe represents the people groups who remain unreached by the gospel. In addition, the intersecting lines form a capital F and lowercase ‘t’, further reinforcing FinisTerre’s gospel mission to the ends of the earth.
FinisTerre’s Website
In order to more clearly and concisely state who we are, our website has been redesigned to include our philosophy of ministry, as well as our process of sending missionaries to the field. Take a look around! In addition to displaying our new name and logo, the colors chosen for our organization represent the ocean, dirt, rock, and greenery found in the awe-inspiring beauty of God’s creation in Papua New Guinea.
What Has NOT Changed
As we said, our mission essentials remain unchanged. We aim to help local churches send their missionaries to plant churches at the ends of the earth—specifically, in Papua New Guinea. We remain committed to not creating structures or policies that might hinder missionaries from doing their work in the tribe, as well as ensuring 100% of all missionary donations go directly to the missionary.
We do, however, desire to strengthen the leadership at every level of our organization to ensure faithfulness and success in our mission. To this end, we have assembled a trained and gifted administrative team both stateside (click here to meet our stateside admin team!), and in our field office of Madang in Papua New Guinea (click here to meet our Madang team!).
We are excited to see how these changes further propel us in our endeavor to carry out the Great Commission, that the glory of Christ might be seen among the unreached peoples of Papua New Guinea!