Donate to a Missionary
Giving FAQs
Are my donations tax-deductible?
Yes! Finisterre Vision is a 501(c)(3) organization.
What is FinisTerre's tax ID number?
When will I receive my annual giving receipt?
Check your email for January. If you can’t find yours, send us an email and we’ll send it to you.
How do I change my direct deposit donation?
If you wish to change your contributions, if you change financial institutions, or if you have any questions, please let us know by emailing us at:
What percentage of my gift does FinisTerre take out?
We do not take a percentage of gifts made for the ministry of missionaries. 100% of your gift goes toward the ministry that you designate it for. Like any other organization, Finisterre Vision has expenses like electric, admin salaries, printing costs, website maintenance. While these expenses are small, they are a vital component to the overall goal of establishing churches in remote areas in Papua New Guinea. If you are led to give towards these expenses, please make a donation towards our general fund.
Note that PayPal charges 30 cents + 2.2% when you use their service for giving via a PayPal account or credit card. If you give $50, then $1.40 goes to PayPal, $48.60 goes to your missionary, and you receive a receipt from Finisterre Vision for $50. To avoid this fee, we suggest setting up giving through direct deposit.