by Cameron Dodd | Oct 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
When talking about penetrating a language group that has never been written down with the gospel, the question is sometimes asked, “But why not just teach them English? Then they would have access to all of these English resources like the Bible and commentaries and...
by Cameron Dodd | Oct 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
Madang, located on the northeastern coast of Papua New Guinea, is a town of juxtapositions. On the one hand, its crystal clear water, abundant coral reefs, and shores laden with palm trees make this town a striking piece of God’s creation. Driving along coastal...
by Jeremy Lehman | Nov 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
“A murderer or a God?” Acts 28:1-6 A Shipwreck and a Viper There is an amazing scene within Paul’s harrowing shipwreck account in Acts. This scene on the island of Malta offers a rich lesson for those on the gospel mission to the ends of the earth. You are well aware...